My entry in the Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 257. My shadow.

in Shadow Hunterslast year
How nice it feels when you are invited to spend a few days with your daughter who lives in another state. Sharing is the purpose of the visit, with luggage in hand I get ready to travel at 6:15 in the morning, I leave towards the bus terminal, but when I see my shadow reflected on the pavement, thanks to the public lighting, I do not take long to capture the image to share with the community.


Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.


This is my participation in the challenge organized by @melinda010100, round 257 in the #ShadowHunters community.
I invite you to participate, here the link:




Gracias por el apoyo.

Great selfie shadow! I hope you had a great trip and a wonderful visit with your daughter! Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest again 🌞