My entry in the Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 261. Shadow of a pedestrian bridge.

in Shadow Hunterslast year

I took advantage of the day off to do some shopping to stock the fridge, it is best to leave early and choose the freshest vegetables and fruits, I made these purchases in two different places, to move from one place to another I had to go through a long walkway or bridge made of iron that connects the two points. But as I passed I saw the spectacular shadow reflected on the surface, which I captured two images that today I share with the community.



Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.


This is my participation in the challenge organized by @melinda010100, round 257 in the #ShadowHunters community.
I invite you to participate, here the link:




I like the second picture. It's almost as if the people in the distance left those lines as evidence that they'd been here.


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Sometimes we do not realize such everyday things that can show us a lot. Thanks for your post

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What delightful shadows!
Gracias por participar de nuevo en el concurso de sombras.🌞

Gracias por visitar y apoyar mi publicación.