My entry in the Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 307. Shades of masks.

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago
The carnival festivities are celebrated in many parts of the world, one of the characteristics are the masks and costumes to make way for fun, it is part of the culture of the people, also promotes tourism and in many places make parades to appreciate the troupes, floats and others. In my town, on Saturday we heard the cry of Carnival, queens, parades, costumes as the beginning of the carnival festivities. For this parade, I looked for the masks, but I found interesting the shadow they projected with the natural light, I immediately captured the images to share with the community.

This is my participation in the challenge organized by @melinda010100, round 307 in the #ShadowHunters community.👇




Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.

I invite you to participate, here is the link:



This is a great entry for this contest 😁
@sagarkothari88 vote 17.5%

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Yay! 🤗
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Wonderful shadow photos from the fun days of carnival!



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