My entry in the Shadow Hunters Community Contest - Round 320. Shades of a glass vase.

in Shadow Hunters27 days ago
Today I bring you some shadows of a glass vase, which we usually have sometimes with flowers or empty in some corner ready to be used. In my mission to hunt for shadows I discovered a nice glass vase at a friend's house, who agreed to let me take some pictures to share with the community with my mobile phone and natural light.

This is my participation in the challenge organized by @melinda010100, round 320 in the #ShadowHunters community.👇




Photos taken with my Xiaomi Redmi, 9C.

I invite you to participate, here is the link:



Beautiful vase 🏺 @blanca56 . What lovely shadows ❤️.

Hello the truth was spectacular, the contrast of the photo you took all a professional as a professional photographer greetings....✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

Hello @blanca56
What a beautiful vase, and how nice that your friend allowed you to take photographs of it.
Beautiful shadows congratulations

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Beautiful shadows!


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