Reflection Hunters 152: A Mirrored Morning by the Sea

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago

A surfer's reflection on our table - my photo entry
The string lights above and a post by the beach
The menu
My husband's hands

Happy Friday, amazing people!

Last week, my husband and I had the pleasure of attending the World Surfing League International Pro (which I posted in my recent blog), right in our hometown of Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union. The sun was shining, the waves were high, and the surfers were ready to show off their skills. But it wasn't just the surf that caught our eye that day. We started our day early, grabbing a table at one of the resorts where the event was taking place. The resort was buzzing with the energy of the competition, and we settled down for some breakfast and coffee, ready to fuel up for the day ahead.

Our table was an unexpected surprise. Made entirely of glass, it reflected everything placed on it, creating a mirror-like effect. This unusual feature added an extra layer of intrigue to our morning, as we found ourselves captivated by the reflections. I thought this would be a great entry for @olgavita's Reflection Hunters Round 152, so here it is!

With my camera in hand, I started to capture these unique moments. In one of the photos was of my husband holding the menu. His focused expression, the morning light illuminating his hands holding the menu, and the mirrored image on the table created a stunning picture. It was as if he were peering into a looking glass; the menu reflected back at him. But it wasn't just the menu that caught the reflection. The lights above us, the morning sun, even the vibrant colors of our breakfast—all were mirrored on our glass table and even some of the surfers wandering around the area. Each photo I took was a splendid blend of reality and reflection, creating a surreal and mesmerizing effect.

As we enjoyed our breakfast, we watched the surfers ride the waves, their movements reflected on our table, intertwining with our own mirrored images. That day at the World Surfing League International Pro was one we will never forget. Not just for the incredible surfing, but for the unexpected beauty found in the reflections on our glass table. It was a reminder that sometimes it's the small, unexpected moments that make a day truly special. 🏄‍♂️🌊☕️

Thank you everyone! Enjoy the start of the weekend!!

⊱ღ One love ⊱ღ

February 2, 2024, 10:20 a.m. PST
In between the farm and the beach

(All texts, photos, and videos are my own and were taken by me unless stated otherwise; Please DO NOT copy.)

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I love the reflections, mommy 😍

Thank you, Nani!!

Beautiful reflections on your lucky table, @bloghound ❤️! Welcome to the new round of our contest.

Thank you so much, @olgavita :)

Great reflection pictures 👍
@sagarkothari88 vote 15%

Hey @bloghound! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @mysteriousroad
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Thank you!

@bloghound you're most welcome


Thank you so much, @mysteriousroad :)

Nice reflection sis.
Good luck!

Maraming salamat, sis!

These are really nice captures.
Weldon 🙌

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How great that you attended this event, and right at your table you had the opportunity to see reflections on it.
Beautiful shots dear friend @bloghound, I appreciate that you shared with us
Have a splendid day