Nasrid palaces-Comares Tower (Alhambra, Granada)

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago

Hello friends,

A week ago I enjoyed very much with some colleagues visiting one of the most visited monuments in Spain, which is the Alhambra in Granada.

It was a spectacular visit contemplating from it the Sierra Nevada mountains.

And to know through the various Nasrid palaces the history of that Muslim Spain before the sixteenth century.

The beauty of the place is worth visiting and even more for the hunters of reflections, since in several ponds of the complex you can take interesting photos.

Here is this week's entry of a photograph taken in the Los Arrayanes Courtyard where you can see the reflection of the Comares Tower on a pond.

My entry to Reflection Hunters Contest

Best regards.


Cool ... also I like very this last photo 🤗👌👌👌☕😋

I spent minutes waiting until there were few people and I could take the picture at a time with an appropriate light.

He who knows how to wait gets his reward

True.... and patience is key, same goes for crypto world 😋☕👌👌👌👌🦊🍹

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Last three pictures are my favorite, sadly we dont have much places like this in Panama, there are very few that were neglected by many years and after some started to crumble down, now days you can only see them from far in fear that they totally collapse, places like this makes me thing how ppl use to live during those days, what they did to stay entertain, awesome pictures ✌️😎

Originally the Alhambra was more impressive. Since the 17th century it was abandoned and there were gypsy settlements there. In the last 80 years it has been rehabilitated although there are tiles and other works of art that have disappeared and are in museums far away from here.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@castri-ja(1/5) tipped @lanoican
castri-ja tipped skiptvads

Amazing reflections, like always, @castri-ja ❤️! The place looks marvelous. I have not been to Alhambra, just dream about it since I saw it on 2 euro commemorative coin of 2011 (I collecting coins is my hobby 😀)

I have never been there before and I think I will visit again in spring so that the gardens are more beautiful.

Happy Weekend

Yay! 🤗
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How great that you visited this beautiful place in the company of your colleagues, dear friend @castri-ja
I love the landscape of the city, the view of the mountains, the architecture is simply beautiful, and what can I say about the gardens. Without a doubt you have visited a beautiful place. Thank you very much for sharing this visit experience
enjoy the weekend

Thanks for the comment my friend

Have a nice weekend

Thanks for the comment my friend

Have a nice weekend

@castri-ja Spectacular reflection!

Thanks :-)