Let Your Day Brighten Up. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 322

Hello friends and family #hive and #shadowhunters community. May our day be bright today.

Today is a Sunday. We call it the day of the Lord. It is so to us because we go to church to worship our God on that day. This is a day of joy and celebrations. This is the day of happiness and fellowship.

Let joy fill your heart today. Don't give room to depression. No! Forget about the many problems that you are battling with. Be thankful that you are alive. There are those who are richer than you, with everything money can buy, who are dead now. Make yourself joyful. Celebrate your life if nobody wants to celebrate you.

Are you having bitterness because of anything somebody did to you? Let it go. Throw away every form of bitterness from you. Love everyone. Help those you can help. Be a friend not an enemy. Let the light shine! Brighten the world around you.

Get engaged in the hive blockchain. Share your opinions and suggestions. Tell us about what is making you happy. Interact with others. Be a positive contribution to the communities you belong to.

As the brightness of the light in my picture, let your life be bright. Cast the shadow of joy and celebrations everywhere you go. Don't spread complaints and sadness. Make someone smile today.
Have a great day!


Such a joyful shadow post!


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