📸My Entry For Shadow Hunter/ Smash Contest Round No 315 🫶

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago (edited)

Hello hiver ,
How are you all? I hope you are happy and healthy. Today i will participate in shadow hunter /smash contest round 315 organised by @melinda010100.
Link: https://ecency.com/hive-179017/@melinda010100/shadow-hunters-smash-contest-round-7e1e8a54b33c7

My entry for shadow hunter smash contest round 315

I captured this photo yesterday when my daughter was using the flashlight from her mobile to create various hand-shaped shadows on the wall after the lights in the room went out. She was fully engrossed in her creative play, and I couldn't resist capturing the moment. The interplay of light and shadows in the image makes it an ideal candidate for the Shadow Hunter Smash contest.
Thank you @melinda ma'am for giving us this opportunity. I enjoy participating in this shadow hunter contest.
Thank you for visiting my post .🙏🇮🇳



You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.

Waoh, that was a creative display by your daughter, good job.

Thank you dear friend