Reflection Hunters Contest Round 110

in Shadow Hunterslast year (edited)

Welcome to another round of Reflection Hunters!!

Hey everyone, I am Danaidh B from Scotland and I love looking for reflections and shadows even before I knew about this community and how vibrant it is here!

These are just a few insights to what reflections I see on a daily basis..

This is my daughters reflective craft paper she brought out at a picnic, I thought it looked very photogenic.

Last winters icicles on our window! Reflecting very little light but have cool ribbed bodies from all the trickling of water that ends up getting frozen. These happened overnight!

Now this is my dog walking on the "sky-grass".
(It's actually an upside down shot of a pond with awesome reflections on the surface of the water).
Turn your device upside down to see the real perspective. It makes a lot more sense!!

Some beautiful frog spawn waiting to hatch, millions of em!

My super reflective dog "Shirley" we call her "Shiny Shirley" sometimes because she's so shiny and reflective!

Wow... reminds me of lots of forks or fingers poking into something!!

I like how you can see the mirror image of the plants, now if you "squint your eyes" the blue reflection of the sky kind of looks like a picture of the earth in space.


Last week I was a winner of the #reflections contest with a similar shot of the same loch (lake) here. This is Loch Tummel near Pitlochry in Scotland where I live. Just look at the almost like AI has mirrored the image but its just a very still loch (lake)

Puddle Reflections are so cool, easy shot, fun, always looks good :)
They merge reality with reflection which are two very different types of physics and realms!!!

Thank you for viewing my photos and my reflections, I have fun participating in these contests and seeing everyone's hard work every week.
Keep up the good work people!

Danaidh B

#reflections #photography #ocd #contest #curie #proofofbrain #shadowhunters #nature #wildlife #photographylovers #vyb #digitalphotography


Interesting collection of reflections! Thank you @danaidhbee for sharing with us ❤️

🙏 thank you @olgavita :)
Have a lovely day