SMASh & Spurs

in Shadow Hunterslast month

First of all… HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

Guess whose leg it is? Hehe…

Pretty planes I saw from far. There’s a road construction going on at the Television road in Kaduna, Nigeria. I was on the railway track situated above a hilly section of the road leading to the market where I was headed and thought I should capture the view before continuing on my journey.

Anyway… you’d be surprised where we can find shadows…

I remember as a child playing with cloth pegs under stools and chairs. I’d line them up and create sound effects of pouring rain… hehe.

This was when I was on the toilet seat. Saw it and thought of an alien like creature crawling its way into a wormhole. You know… like we see in sci-fi…

This one on the other hand was a spur of the moment thing. Happened while I was trying to capture something for a post last night and Eddie goes “hey! That’s a perfect shadow!”

Well what do you know? I like it as well. My entry for the contest? This one… 👇🏾

This is my entry to the Shadow Hunters / SMASh Contest-Round 321


Wonderful shadow photos!


deraaa, melinda010100 sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thaank you so much

Now that was some leg, I thought it was a table leg!

And the artsy book shadow! Awesome it is, as for the worm well don't want to think about that one!

lol. Go go wee Eddie!!!

haha he came he went happy birthday

Thank you 🤩