Shadow Hunters Community SMASh Contest - Round 320

The Sun was strong and this banana plant was in the glare of direct sunlight, thus this crisp shadows. The banana is a fruit I love so much that I could go bananas all day😁

It was on my way so I couldn't resist and it actually gives me the Summer vibes when I see the bunches on the tree and a kind of hope that food would always be available for all, no matter how tough the economic situation might be.

I made the shadows my main object because the photos are for a shadow contest.

This one was not distinct enough because the Sun just went down a bit, but it's here all the same.

This is my entry for the shadow Contest 320.

You can participate by clicking on the Link

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


Very interesting the shadows made by the leaves of the banana tree @edith-4angelseu your photographs are beautiful congratulations

Thank you very much.

Beautiful shadow hunt photos
Happy Banana dessert meal

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much

Such unique shadows from those banana leaves!


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