announcing the winners of the 13th guess the shadow contest

50% of the beneficiary rewards to this post go in support of #hive-179017!!

so i was walking down the backstreets of malpura with my camera, it is a great town for taking a wide variety of photos- not just shadows this time. everywhere i looked there was subject matter begging for my attention so i was glad i had a spare battery. but i was getting hungry and started looking for something i could eat. if i was really lucky i was hoping i could even find some judges for the contest. there were some excellent sharp shadows which i may soon post in the shadow hunters contest but what i really want to show you here is this

now i had never seen an apple so perfectly cut into a spring before but when i found one here i immediately purchased it. while i was rinsing it with some bottled water a group of curious children gathered around me. i am used to this because i prefer to wander in places foreigners have seldom if ever been. i tend to attract attention when i take a lot of photos and far more often than not children in the street love to be photographed. the friendly smiling children kept asking
"photo, photo"
"sahib, photo"
i almost always happily oblige their request and cherish the wonderful images but i really enjoy talking with them first. so i broke the sliced apple in pieces to share with them...
"apple, apple" they all called out as they instinctively gathered together to pose for me to remove their snap. (that is indian english for 'take their picture')

"yes yes apple, but how to shape it so nicely into a coil?"
the charming children laughed and smiled but it seemed they didn't understand my norwegianized english. so i showed them their photo on the camera screen. each was more delighted than the previous as i zoomed in and showed them their images one by one. then the tall girl on the right spoke up in a sweet and cheery but strong proud voice
"my father has a machine to peel and cut the apple"
she called to the man who sold me the coil
"बाबा इस आदमी को दिखाओ कि सेब कैसे काटा जाता है"
i recognized she spoke hindi to her father instead of rajasthani and wondered why. both the daughter and the fruit vendor had that typical warm affable rajasthani demeanor. maybe she thought i would understand hindi better.
anyway he placed a very curious looking contraption in front of me and said in broken english
"this from scandanavia. machine peel, cut and take away seeds"
he proceeded to show me how to use it while at the same time carefully studying my face to see if i was impressed by how fast and precise the peculiar machine was

i had to laugh. i know these sales tricks.
"very good scandinavia design machine. i am from scandinavia"
the man's astounded face lit up with a big smile
"you buy machine. very good price"
and he took out what seemed to be a new machine and put it on the table
"500 rupees. special price for you. book show how to use"
the friendly inclusive rajasthani manner is undoubtedly genuine but it does make it difficult to decline to do business or to bargain profusely. when i saw the unique mysterious shadow it cast we both knew i was trapped. so i told the girl
"i will buy the machine for 400 rupees if you and your friends help me with something..."
the girl looked at her father and without another word the deal was made. i counted out the money somewhat reluctantly in an attempt to conceal my zeal regarding the very astute young judges. we all shared the newly peeled, sliced and cored apple from the acme of scandanavian design and blithely went to work on the contest prizes.

the keenly observant children seemed somewhat confounded that such a familiar and easily recognizable shadow could be difficult for grown-up folks around the world to guess, even those highly educated. not a single reply was close to correct, not even in the same ballpark but that didn't hinder anyone from laughing heartily at the more imaginative answers. they were all fired up to reward most generously so when i explained that the POINTS prize fund was limited they were openly disappointed. they responded by being all the more eager to award the venwood and HIVE prizes

so here is their decision:
3 HIVE venwood prize to @ninahaskin for: Since I have no idea as to what this shadow really is [haha, you scored yet again] I let my creative analysis go into noir mode.
What it looks like to me is a robotic, futuristic canine animal laying down and biting on a ring in which it has its front leg trapped. The three nails on the animal's trapped paw are saying to "read between the lines" with a big middle toe nail salute🖕message to whoever set the inhumane trap!
And how was your day?! 🤒

0.5 HIVE each to:
@olgavita for: I can see a nun with her faithful dog going fishing with a trident harpoon 😁

@moretea for: That is a dragon trying to steal a flag from a pole on top of a castle to sneeze and clean it's nose with it, but we could very well be back on the playing ground again and this is a part of a viking ship. 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

@evev for: Hola que grato concurso necesitaba sacudir un poco mis neuronas y reír. Apenas vi la sombra pensé en los faraones egipcios epecialmente 3n el chacal que dirigía los muertos al inframundo ¡Dios despertó Anubis y viene a llevarse a un poco de gente...guilloooo!
deepL translation Hello what a nice contest I needed to shake my neurons a little and laugh. As soon as I saw the shadow I thought of the Egyptian pharaohs, especially the jackal who led the dead to the underworld. God awoke Anubis and came to take some people...guilloooo!

@tsroamingsoul for: From a particular angle, this looks like a giant ant wearing a crown and holding a trident. My imagination is flowing 🤣

30 POINTS each to:
@eolinde for: My first thought: the raised hand of an alien (remember "Signs"?) Then, I thought of a torch holding candles like bony fingers; and a hoe trying to release the clamp that gripped the torch/hand.

@paolazun for: Yaaayyy I love this contest 😁. For me is like a robotic mouse with long neck saying hello with his three finger hand and he is speaking or saying hello cos have the mouth open with a smile 🤭🤭🤭🤭😅

@nineclaws for: A galactic spaceship landing by an alien race with claws. The leader’s shadow is shown here, staking first claim of ownership with their symbolic golden staff containing three protrusions, which symbolize their claw form.

@hjrrodriguez for: Apparently easy this shadow looks like it was waiting to eat but unfortunately an accident happened to the fork and hence something damaged in its teeth is observed.

20 POINTS each to:
@diebitch for: It's a pig roasting on a spit. Instead, I roasted myself because I wanted to post a ridiculous answer.

@nuelrojas for: creo que es el tridente de poseidon
i think it's poseidon's trident

@profgabs05 for: Looks like some sort of trident with an image of an animal skull attached. Something you'll likely see in a shrine...😁

@repayme4568 for: Battle fork

@oscarpower55 for: Motor part

@maylenasland for: it looks like something that can be plugged in.

@osarueseosato for: I think that's the torch, like the ancient kinds you see in movies

@jearo101 for: Another hard shadow to be guessed. But I will try to guess on it. I think it is a plug of an appliances. I don't know what kind of electric appliances are you going to plug in. 😂

@sofs-su for: To me it looks like the devil, with goat head and horns leaning against his pitchfork, hands on his mouth thoughtfully planning which soul to take captive next.

@omaira74 for: Bueno mi imaginación me lleva a la guerra de las galaxia, como una especie de báculo jajaj
Well my imagination takes me to the star wars, as a kind of staff hahahaha.

the fruit (and quirky apple machine) vendor's daughter told me all the judges were very impressed how @nineclaws engaged in the post of others so she asked if there was any reward for that. i explained a nomination to pixresteemer would be very appropriate,

now how do you like them apples??

remember to join in the new contest which has already begun here:

it wouldn't be right to close without mentioning our generous sponsors:
@hive-179017 and @ecency @taskmanager @pixresteemer and @galenkp


Your story is delightful, I wouldn't have guessed the shadow with a thousand clues. The photo of the children is beautiful that expression of happiness stole my heart.

I didn't know about your contest until now and I am a fan of initiatives and contests, I will try every week to win just for fun.

Thank you for this great post, I use translator to express myself, thanks 😁🤗

thank you for your kind reply. i try to find shadows that stimulate the imagination but sometimes they are more recognizable. i will look forward to your participation

Ya lo hice, Ya participe 😁

Hi @soyunasantacruz, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @eolianpariah. Holding at least 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Thanks a lot! There were so much funny and original responses.

many times i try to find shadows that are unrecognizable because if you have no idea what it is then you have to start imagining what it could be. but sometimes i post shadows that i expect somebody to recognize. hope to hear from you in the next round

When I read your post telling the story of the machine –which I loved– I remembered that when I was a child, you could buy peeled oranges in some city parks. I always liked to see the large helicoidal peels when the vendor prepared the fruit.

i hope the vendors still do that.

I think they disappeared long ago. But the memories remain.

Hi @eolinde, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @eolianpariah. Holding at least 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Thanks so much 🤗the contest was amazing

you're most welcome. looking forward to your participation in future contests

Congrats to the winners and continue with your awesome support here with the community Shadows Hunters

thanks so much. i am looking forward to the replies in the next round. hope you can join in.

Hahah. Nice, thanks a lot sir... 😊

you're most welcome. i'm very glad to have your participation

Congrats to all the creative winners! 😃🏆

maybe the spring is the inspiration but whatever it is creativity is blossoming,

Love the story again and the happy smiling faces of the judges! So many wonderful creative guesses by everyone. So much fun fun and laughs! Congratulations to everyone.

Thank you for the points, I appreciate it.

Thank you so much 😘. I really love this contest. I try to catch it week after week!! Congratulations to the creators of this contests and the winners!!!!

thanks for the kind words. looking forward to your guess in the next round

Hi @paolazun, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @eolianpariah. Holding at least 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at or learn about LUV at

Haha! There is no way on Earth I would have ever correctly guessed what the actual shadow was of! Brilliant! What a terrific storyteller and historian you are!✍

Thank you very much for the honor of first place and generous award of venwood HIVE! My sincerest apologies for taking this long to reply personally. My mom finally underwent aortic valve replacement surgery. I was spending all my time with her while she was at the hospital and now as she is recovering at home with me. Stressful times but the AVR had to be done.

Looking forward to the latest round the Guess the Shadow Contest! @eolianpariah