a new chance to guess the shadow


finally another mysterious shadow to bang your head against. during a closer look through my archive i found this one that i had overlooked previously. if you are having trouble discerning what it is you may prefer to focus on creativity and imagination and make up something wild or just plain silly🙄. consider trying to be very specific. of course all replies are most welcome and will be rewarded with 20 ecency points.

the first correct guess and the most imaginative both get 1 HBD each- generously given by @melinda010100. creativity and humor may also be rewarded with a nomination to @pixresteemer. i recommend reading through the replies not only for your amusement but also to see if somebody else has already guessed your uniquely brilliant idea. if against all odds somebody beat you to it or if you are blank as to what the real object could possibly be then why not concoct something that will make us all smile. please don't just upvote this post- join in the fun. there aren't really any rules just make a guess by january 27th.


I see a dog with a leash I think.

…that, or you went down the rabbit hole and brought back photographic evidence…


good guess 20 points are on the way

Thanks! I love these challenges - I sat with my five year old and stared at that shadow for like 20 minutes together :)

lol these are almost always naturally occurring shadows that i look for but i am having a hard time finding new ones lately. i might have to start making my own

Funny you should say that. After spending time examine the latest shadow with my kid, I began looking around for shadows that would be good challenge pieces - it’s harder than I thought it would be! Many are too easy and others are too difficult to be a fun/fair challenge - finding shadows that are reasonably challenging but not insane…tough job! I’m glad you do the work though because these are a lot of fun :)


It almost looks like a preying mantis or a stick insect clinging to a thick branch.

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Hello! Looking at the image in detail, I was able to determine that it is a tree trunk, greetings!

good guess 20 points are on the way

Bad boy 😁😁😁

good guess 20 points are on the way


You must have visited Scotland to capture this one! Great shadow photo of a bagpiper beginning to inflate his instrument's bag!

This one seems complicated but I'll try to get it right, it's the shadow of a lamp with its bulb placed on a small tree.

good guess 20 points are on the way

I think it's the image of the artist playing the flute and leaning under a tree 😁

good guess. 20 points are on the way

When I look closely at it, I think it is the shadow of a large lizard, and the shadow of this dog in the picture

good guess 20 points are on the way

I thought it was someone holding a baby

good guess 20 points are on the way

It looks like a wheelbarrow

good guess 20 points are on the way

The dog jumping over a tree Strunk while he is on the leash :-D

good guess 20 points are on the way

Hello participating again in this nice contest, for more than witty. This shadow is very strange, I think it's a power pole, we'll see 🤗

good guess 20 points are on the way

it looks like a girl holding a rod with leash ... but it also looks like a girl leaning on a post and holding some trunk with a leash LOL

good guess 20 points are on the way

Why it's the Pied Piper resting against a tree - a one man band playing the pipe along with backup accoustics on a foot pedal! 🎶

good timely guess 20 points are on the way

Thank you very much for the Ecency points!💫

Is it a person on someone's shoulders?

good guess 20 points are on the way

A tree which a rope was tie on it

good guess 20 points are on the way

Thanks so much

you are most welcome

Hello @eolianpariah2! I always wait in anticipation for a new picture from you. Let me try this time with my guess - for me, they look like signalmen from an old war movie, who are laying a communication cable under the bombing 😁.

good guess. 20 points are on the way

Thanks a lot!😁

The very first thing i thought about this post was … Forget the dog! Don‘t think of a dog! That was just a distraction! After clearing my mind of dogs and leashes the first thing that came to my mind looking at the shadow photo was … A dog on a leash 😝 waaah, no no, just kidding 😁 My actual first thought about that shadow has something to do with animals indeed though and in a way with a kind of leash too. Ok, ok, i get to the point. I‘d say this is a shadow of a pole of an electrical fence with it‘s gear that holds the wires and stuff. 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼

good guess. 20 points are on the way.


Realmente esta difícil descifrar, he volteado mi telf de todas las formas para observar la fotografía y lo que veo es una persona montada en el árbol tratando de colocar un cable.

deep l translation: I've turned my phone every which way to look at the picture and what I see is a person climbing the tree trying to place a cable.
good guess.. 20 points are on the way

you are most welcome

Hi! I guess ts a tree and someone hiding behind it

good guess. 20 points are on the way