entry reflectiosn 161: a rare curiousity

in Shadow Hunterslast month (edited)

we were expecting company so i was mopping the floor in the morning the other day. the sun was shining through the front window when i put the mop down to move some furniture. it is a typical indian spinning mop with an aluminum/plastic pole.

purely by chance i placed the mop at just the right angle for the sun to catch the rod and create a full circular reflection on the floor. i was amazed at how it was possible. there were certainly no other objects involved in creating this curious phenomenon.

so i tried moving it around slightly and sure enough, it made slightly different circles. the bright spots are not reflections but the sun shining directly on the floor

this shot is my contest entry.
it didn;t take much movement to lose the reflection altogether

and i am still puzzled about how it is possible. it is hard to imagine how the sun manages to shine completely around the pole


Hello dear friend @eolianpariah2 good morning
How great the reflections you have achieved from this mop. Beautiful photos, I appreciate you sharing with us.

That was lovely
I’m glad you were able to notice the reflection after placing the mop on the floor