entry smash 320: table and chair

in a previous post i introduced these chairs but i saved the best for last. so now back again but this time the scene is complete with the tables. while the chair shadows can be quite delicate, variable and complex the tables are the opposite. they are a simple solid statement not to be misunderstood or tangled with. in theory one could tip them over and such but this is at a public cafe and by moving the chairs around and taking photos of their shadows i was undoubtedly trying the patience of the employees enough already


Nice shadows, good luck with the contest!

How are you dear friend @eolianpariah2 good morning
I really like this set of tables and chairs, especially because they cast beautiful shadows
Excellent shots, congratulations

Hey @eolianpariah2, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Love the pictures!
Drinking beer here with some cool friends will be very cool

Hello @eolianpariah2 I would love to have this set of chairs in the garden, it would be beautiful
What a beautiful shadow projection these chairs and the table give.

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