My Entry To Reflection Hunters Contest Round 42 / SPA-ENG

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago (edited)

La Navidad ya está aquí exigiendo su espacio, abriéndose paso entre nuestras dificultades para dja un rastro de esperanza, un sendero de paz entre las zozobras, un oasis, por eso este es el reflejo que comparto con ustdes hoy: un reflejo navideño. Claro que estamos más bien en Adviento, en la dulce esspera de la Navidad, pero es que es una época tanlinda que siempre "la adelantamos" un poco.
Esta es mi participación a este Round 42 del concurso ideado por @annephilbrick en el que me fascina participar y al que te invito que participes también. Lee sus bases haciendo clic acá

Christmas is already here demanding its space, making its way through our difficulties to leave a trail of hope, a path of peace among anxiety, an oasis, that is why this is the reflection that I share with you today: a Christmas reflection. Of course, we are more in Advent, waiting for Christmas, but it is such a beautiful time that we always "anticipate" it a little.
This is my participation in this Round 42 of the contest devised by @annephilbrick in which I am fascinated to participate and to which I invite you to participate as well. Read their bases by clicking here


Thanks for entering the contest. Reflection is in the window, right?

You are welcome, @hive-179017. Yes, reflection is in the window.