here. Read up on this cool challenge and hopefully join us in the fun.Hello Reflection Hunters. Welcome to Round 202 of the Reflection Hunters Contest hosted by @olgavita. Check out the contest post
I have always been fascinated by twins, triplets and the like though this genetic trait does not run in my family nor my wife's. I have no relatives, near or distant, that are twins. But I have always wondered what it would be like if, let's say, my grandson had a twin.
Well for one, I would have to buy two of everything. Shirts, pants, shoes, socks all two of each kind. I usually see twins or triplets dressed the same way, maybe to signify to the public that they're double and not single. Second, I would have to divide my attention between the two, unlike now when all my attention is solely on him. Expenses would be double, of course. Instead of food or tuition and books or entertainment for one, it would have to be for two. Question is: Would all these changes be worth it?
This is my grandson and this would probably be how he will look with a twin brother.
Not bad. If I can have two of him to look after I really feel it would be infinitely much better than just having one of him. Looking at these pics make me realize how much happier my life would be if I had twins for a grandkid.
My entry to this Round is the first photo.
All for now. Good luck to all the participants. Keep safe and may you all have a blessed Sunday.
(All photos are mine. )
You're welcome 😊
How are you doing @gems.and.cookies ?
My dad's two sisters both have a daughter in law who gave birth to twins. What are the chances of both my cousins marrying a lady who carries the genetic trait! That's the nearest we have to twins in the family.
That's closer than I can come to having twins in the family. But about the chances of both your cousins marrying someone with the genetic trait THAT is extremely infinitesimal. Would one, or rather two, to 10 million be still on the high side? Amazing 😲
Thanks for dropping in @livinguktaiwan. Really appreciate it. I'm doing fine but a bit busy taking care of my grandson full-time. Although I have my hands full with him, still I know I wouldn't mind having another one lol. Meantime, I'm in and out of Hive, mostly out but still try to do at least 2 to 3 posts a week and manual upvoting of friends daily. Hopefully, my sked can get better soon. 🙏