My Shadow Hunters Contest Round 208 initiated by @melinda010100 | A Dragonfly's Shadow in my hand

A Blessed Day Hivers and Shadow Hunters!

It has been a while since my last participation to this amazing contest which will allow us to a shadow of anything that we captured. I thank @melinda010100 for this initiative and it is my pleasure to join again.


Just today on the afternoon while I was besides the roadway a Dragonfly landed on my hand seems like this little creature is injured and can't fly very well.

So, I take good care on the Dragonfly for a while until it can fly on its own but before I let it fly high. I captured a photo while the Dragonfly is still in my hand, then saw also a shadow on it while landed on my hand. After a few minutes, I thank God for the Dragonfly finally able to fly on its own and looks like nothing happened.

To anyone who would like to join this awesome #shadowhunters
contest by @melinda010100
Round 173, you can find the rules here. CLICK HERE.


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

To God be the Glory!!!


I love dragonflies, and that's a beauty. How cool to capture the shadow. Thanks for entering the shadow contest!

Very nice shadow of a dragonfly. Thanks for participating in the Shadow hunters contest! 😎 👏