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RE: Shadow Hunters Contest Entry – Little princess

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago


To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created)?

After you add the link, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that website.

You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup -


svoje fotografije i misli.

Identity & Content Verification Guide: When to Ask and When Not ToPozdrav, @hivewatchers. Slatko ste me nasmejali. 😊 Ja objavljujem samo Koji je razlog zbog kog tražite verifikaciju, @hivewatchers?

Ne želim i neću da povezujem svoje naloge na drugim mrežama sa nalogom na Hive platformi.
Inače ova metoda verifikacije identiteta i sadržaja je totalno loša.
Ne trošite ljudima vreme i energiju neutemeljenim sumnjičanjem i klevetanjem, skrivajući se iza brige o zloupotrebama uz lažnu ljubaznost. Šaljete zaista lošu sliku.

"Always be polite!"

Nekada davno, nekada davno, citiraću i ovu rečenicu:

There’s been a lot of comments and posts about sock puppets and catfish lately.

Neosnovano i nepravedno mi je blokiran priliv glasova na post. Odblokirajte.
Pokvarili ste mi objavu svojim komentarom. 😉

Život ide dalje...


Otherwise, this method of verifying identity and content is completely bad.
Don't waste people's time and energy with unfounded suspicions and slander, hiding behind concerns about abuse with false kindness. You are sending a really bad image

¿Puede explicar de qué calumnias habla?

Si prefieres no verificar en el blog, ponte en contacto con nosotros en para verificar en privado o ponte en contacto con nosotros en Discord con mensaje privado o en el chat de Hive.

Cuanto antes lo verifique, mejor. Si todo está bien con la cuenta entonces no hay nada de qué preocuparse verificándola en privado.

Koji je razlog zbog kog tražite verifikaciju, @hivewatchers?

Actividad en Steemit y transferencia a cuenta en la lista negra (blacklisted) "alexs1320".

Hehe, ti samo radi svoj posao... 🙂