Concurso SMASh de la Comunidad de Cazadores de Sombras- Ronda 326//Shadow Hunters Community SMASh Contest- Round 326[ESP/ENG]

in Shadow Hunters10 days ago

Feliz tarde para todos. Saludos a los Cazadores de Sombras, @melinda010100, los ganadores y

Happy afternoon to all. Greetings to the Shadowhunters, @melinda010100, the winners and the winners.

Esta sombra que les traigo hoy me apareció en mi camino cuando iba entrando a un pequeño centro comercial en Los Teques. Al ver estas tres sombras que daban cada uno de los árboles, no la podía pasar por alto. De acuerdo a la distancia de donde tomé la foto se ve la segunda sombra más pequeña que la primera y la sombra del tercer árbol más pequeña todavía.

This shadow that I bring you today appeared in my path as I was entering a small shopping center in Los Teques. When I saw these three shadows that gave each of the trees, I could not overlook it. According to the distance from where I took the picture you can see the second shadow smaller than the first one and the shadow of the third tree even smaller.


Gracias por leer mi blog
La fotografía fue tomada con mi celular Tecno Spark

Thank you for reading my blog
The photo was taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone


Delightful shadows from these 3 trees!


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Thank you melinda010100. These trees surprised me by those shadows of different sizes, but beautiful.

Thank you hive 179017, for the support in the shadows that I present

It's wonderful that you were able to see these three shadows of the trees, and you took a beautiful shot of them.
Congratulations @jaci11 your photography is beautiful

Thank you my dear friend @myfirstcontest. That's right. The photo came my way.


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@jaci11, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @miprimerconcurso and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/2 calls)

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It's an amazing shadow you have here, keep up the good works.

Hi @ijebest, that's right my friend. A beautiful shadow given to me by nature.


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@jaci11, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ijebest and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/3 calls)

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