Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh.

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

There are many flowers blooming in this Gandharaja flower tree next to the bed in my bedroom.
I never get tired of looking at these small flowers.
I try to whiten my inner heart by looking at the white flowers.
Because we know the color white as a symbol of peace.
Not so!






So I always try to maintain peace and order in my family and workplace.
I try to build good relations with all people.
Because life is very short. And the world is short-lived.
So what's the harm in living happily ever after with everyone in our short lives?




In my opinion, we should build a life so that we can live among all after our death. Through our beneficial knowledge and actions.

Sorry, I said a lot of unnecessary things.
So I will share with you some nice shade pictures of that flowering tree.
I hope you enjoy it a lot.


Lovely shadows and lovely words too! ♥️ Thanks for entering the shadow contest! 🌞