Shadow projections taken in the square ¨Italia¨ (Es-Eng)

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago
Los días pasan en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un descuido estas comenzando nuevamente la semana, y que mejor manera de hacerlo que visitando esta esplendida ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Los días lunes son muy especiales, participar de este gran ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  me llena de energía. He leído en algunas publicaciones sobre el efecto del dia lunes sobre el estado de ánimo de las personas, mientras que a la mayoría les pesa iniciar la semana, yo lo espero con ansiedad, y para serles honesto, tiene que ver con este maravilloso desafío

Source: Family Álbum

The days go by in the blink of an eye, in an oversight you are starting the week again, and what better way to do it than by visiting this splendid ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Mondays are very special, participate in this great ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  fills me with energy. I have read in some posts about the effect of Monday on people's mood, while most of them feel heavy about starting the week, I look forward to it, and to be honest, it has to do with this wonderful challenge < /div>

En este post no verán muchas fotografías como estoy acostumbrado a publicar, en esta ocasión nos centramos con mi esposa en las proyecciones de sombras bien definidas, y para serles honesto, fue muy fácil de hacerlo, ya que esta plazoleta tiene muchos elementos ubicados de tal forma que siempre están proyectando sombras, solo tienes que estar atento y preparado para disparar con tu dispositivo

Source: Family Álbum

In this post you won't see many pictures like I'm used to posting, this time we focused with my wife on well defined shadow projections, and to be honest, it was very easy to do, Since this square has many elements located in such a way that they are always casting shadows, you just have to be attentive and ready to shoot with your device

En varias oportunidades les hable de esta plaza, es una emblemática de mi ciudad, y hay tanto para hablar y mostrar de ella que nunca terminas por dar a conocer la belleza de su entorno. Este lugar conserva una gran parte de la historia de nuestra provincia, el emblemático monumento a nuestra ¨insignia¨¨nacional¨, y una construcción histórica que nos recuerda el origen de las construcciones del ¨casco¨¨histórico¨

Source: Family Álbum

On several occasions I told you about this square, it is emblematic of my city, and there is so much to talk about and show about it that you never end up revealing the beauty of its surroundings. This place preserves a large part of the history of our province, the emblematic monument to our ¨insignia¨¨nacional¨, and a historical construction that reminds us of the origin of the constructions of the ¨casco¨¨histórico¨

La ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨ ha pasado por mucho, y en cada paso fue dejando escrito una historia, que aun a mis casi 55 años no termino por conocer; pueden creer que después de media década de vida me entero que esta plazoleta está a la vera de una de las ¨avenida más corta del mundo¨:  Se considera una de las más corta, ya que su recorrido no alcanza los cien metros. Es increíble que, en tan poco espacio, pueda haber tanta historia

Source: Family Álbum

The ¨city¨ of ¨Corrientes¨ has gone through a lot, and at each step it left a story written, which even at almost 55 years of age I did not end up knowing; Can you believe that after half a decade of life I find out that this square is next to one of the ¨Shortest avenue in the world¨:  It is considered one of the shortest, since its route does not reach one hundred meters. It is incredible that, in such a small space, there can be so much history

Estas son las cosas que hacen que ame a mi ¨Corrientes¨. Una ciudad hermosa y llena de historia que merece ser dado a conocer. Estas bellas tomas las hicimos con mi esposa, con un teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨. Si creen que han visto todo de esta plazoleta, déjame decirte que hay un montón de imágenes más para ir compartiendo con todos ustedes

Source: Family Álbum

These are the things that make me love my "Corrientes". A beautiful city full of history that deserves to be made known. We took these beautiful shots with my wife, with a ¨Motoe7plus¨ phone. If you think you have seen everything about this small square, let me tell you that there are a lot more images to share with all of you


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

After half a decade of life I find out that this square is next to one of the ¨Shortest avenues in the world¨:

That's an amazing discovery. It reminds me of when I lived on a narrowboat, we cruised on the shortest canal that makes up over 2000 miles of the English waterways:)

Sometimes, it's the significance of the story than the images itself.

Yes, it has been really incredible to have discovered this information, that's why I like my city, it has a lot of hidden stories that one can't even imagine.
Thank you very much dear friend @millycf1976 for this pleasant visit, and the support you give to my post

Thank you very much dear friend for the great support you always give me
have a great day

What a nice shadow photos.
Good luck!

Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs of shadows, you are very kind
have a great day

More excellent shadow photos! I like all of them and I always enjoy learning more about your beautiful city.

Thanks to you dear friend @ melinda010100 for all the support you always give me
Have a nice week