Viewing buildings during shadow hunting (Es-Eng)

in Shadow Hunters27 days ago
Es maravilloso iniciar a semana visitando esta hermosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Me gusta mucho la calidad humana que hay en este lugar, es gratificante cuando compartes fotografías de sombras, y las personas te hacen saber cuánto les gustan, eso hace que los que hacemos fotografías nos siéntanos bien dar a conocer nuestro trabajo fotográfico

Source: Family Álbum

It is wonderful to start the week visiting this beautiful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  I really like the human quality that exists in this place, it is gratifying when you share photographs of shadows, and people let you know how much they like them, that makes those of us who take photographs feel good about making our work known photographic

¨Corrientes¨ ha sido una de esas ciudades que el progreso les ha llegado más tarde que otras ciudades del país, eso me dio la oportunidad de ver la evolución y el crecimiento que ha tenido la ciudad. Cuando era solo un niño acostumbrábamos con mi abuelo visitar la ciudad, para ver y apreciar las edificaciones y recuerdo que en el ¨caso¨¨histórico¨ las casas eran enormes, pero de una sola planta, hoy a estas propiedades las llamamos construcciones de épocas, y no podemos dejar de admirar las grandes puertas de maderas con una banderola en la parte superior, es lo que hacía que las casas fueran tan altas

Source: Family Álbum

¨Corrientes¨ has been one of those cities where progress has come later than other cities in the country, that gave me the opportunity to see the evolution and growth that the city has had . When I was just a child, my grandfather and I used to visit the city to see and appreciate the buildings and I remember that in the "historical case" the houses were huge, but on one floor, today we call these properties period buildings. , and we can't help but admire the large wooden doors with a banner at the top, it's what made the houses so tall

Por muchos años las casas que predominaban en las calles de la ciudad eran las casas horizontales, eso era debido al clima intenso del verano, la poca altura de las casas no obstruía el viento, y gracias a eso los hogares eran más frescos. Desde hace varias décadas esto ha ido cambiando, cada vez son más las construcciones verticales, y ha sido un gran placer ver la evolución de la ciudad. Me emociona mucho saber que las fotografías que están viendo de estos edificios que están en construcción, en un par de décadas serán una demostración de como era esta zona de la ciudad, y será nuestra ¨blockchain¨ de #hive testigo de la evolución de mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

For many years the houses that predominated on the city streets were horizontal houses, this was due to the intense summer climate, the low height of the houses did not obstruct the wind, and thanks That's why the homes were cooler. For several decades this has been changing, there are more and more vertical constructions, and it has been a great pleasure to see the evolution of the city. I am very excited to know that the photographs you are seeing of these buildings that are under construction, in a couple of decades will be a demonstration of what this area of the city was like, and our #hive blockchain will be a witness to the evolution of my city

Estas palabras que leen, es lo que estaba pensando en el momento que se hacia esta ¨cacería¨ de ¨sombra¨; la costanera es un lugar ideal para hacer fotografías de sombras, ya que hay muchas cosas y artilugios que constantemente están proyectando, solo debemos estar atentos a medida que damos los pasos, ya que en cualquier momento estará frente a nosotros una bella proyección

Source: Family Álbum

These words that you read, are what I was thinking at the time this “shadow hunt” was being carried out; The waterfront is an ideal place to take photographs of shadows, since there are many things and gadgets that are constantly projecting, we just have to be attentive as we take the steps, since at any moment a beautiful projection will be in front of us

Hay dos cosas muy importantes que destacar, una es nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ que nos permite inmortalizar este momento y el estado de las cosas, estas tomas las voy a compartir en este ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  que se alojara por siempre en nuestra cadena de bloques de #hive, y como saben, todo lo que se guarda allí, pasado los siete días estará en la web a disposición de todos por siempre, una oportunidad para que en varias décadas vecinos de mi ciudad tengan la oportunidad de ver cómo era la ciudad en el año 2024 y el gran desarrollo que ha tenido ¿ No es esto genial? Este ha sido un día maravilloso para la ¨cacería¨ de ¨sombras¨, hicimos fotografías preciosas

Source: Family Álbum

There are two very important things to highlight, one is our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera that allows us to immortalize this moment and the state of things, I am going to share these shots in this ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  to be hosted by always in our #hive blockchain, and as you know, everything that is stored there, after seven days will be on the web available to everyone forever, an opportunity so that in several decades neighbors of my city will have the opportunity to see what the city was like in the year 2024 and the great development it has had. Isn't this great? This has been a wonderful day for the “shadow hunt”, we took beautiful photographs


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Que mejor sombra o reflejo que la de uno mismo, por supuesto formamos parte de la naturaleza! Genial el post de hoy con bellas postales. Que tengas un gran día @jlufer 😃

I was always very interested in our shadows, I don't know why I don't use them more often on shadow hunts.
Thank you very much dear friend @avdesing for this pleasant company
have a lovely afternoon

También de plantas, animales, pero las propias son muy hermosas. Gracias a vos, bonita tarde!

What a great idea Grandpa, and it's great that when my children are older, they will be able to see these photographs and know what the city used to be like.

what you say is very good, that is the idea

Amazing photos dear friend. You are indeed right about how humans appreciate awesome photos because its a thing of the heart ♥️.

Amazing awesome shots is so thrilling especially when they have reflections and shadows. Its part of a lifestyle that warms the heart ♥️

Thanks for all the amazing shots

How are you dear friend @sunshine29 good morning
Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, you are very kind
Have a great day

They are all awesome and captivating. An amazing activity dear friend.

Enjoy your day too 😇

Thank you dear friends
I wish you all a beautiful day

How are you dear friend, I wholeheartedly appreciate the great support you give me.
have a great day

You always have great photos, so support is not questionable, my dear friend.

Thank you very much dear friend, I hope you are spending a beautiful Sunday in the company of your loved ones.

Morph Met Gala GIF by Isaac Spellman


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@edgerik ha enviado VSC a @jlufer

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Uses: 1/5

Thank you very much dear friend

I love that you are taking the time to document with your photos all of these places in your city that are so important to you.
Wonderful photos and wonderful shadows!

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@melinda010100, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @jlufer and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/12 calls)

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Hello dear friend @melinda010100 good morning
Those are the things that I am passionate about about the #hive blockchain, that I can document the things that I like and that they will be available on the web forever for those who want to see them
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me.
Have a beautiful Sunday