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RE: Shadow Hunters Contest Round # 159: Cult Shadows

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Hi @ melinda010100. I think that is the idea, that shadows are a great complement to develop not only creativity, but also imagination. These sarcophagi, although they do not seem like it, are a thousand years old and in their day they were part of a large Visigoth and medieval cemetery. A warm greeting


1000 years! The shadows add to the questions with no answers. Who was buried there? How did they die? Was their life well lived? Were they loved and mourned? We will never know, but maybe the answer is in the shadows!

Certainly we know something. At least, what was not cruelly plundered. We know, for example, that he was already buried there in Visigothic times, whose debacle occurred in the 7th century with the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. And we also know that during the Middle Ages, there was an important population center and even stonework workshops that built the main Romanesque churches of what is known as the Romanesque art of Sepúlveda. In those burials, which were originally in a nearby field, a variety of people were buried: warriors, artisans, women, children ... In fact, I can tell you that these types of churches were authentic cemeteries. Not only did they have a small attached cemetery, but they also proceeded to bury even inside the church, in niches made in the pavement of the nave, sometimes horizontally and sometimes vertically. Of course, as is often the case today, in many cases they were also buried with their best jewels and there are not a few heartless treasure hunters who have been made with such objects, whose value is not only crematistic but also historical. Greetings

Having your depth of historical knowledge certainly helps my imaginings!

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