Here is my entry for the Shadow Hunter contest round 317.

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are doing well. I am also fine. In the Shadow Hunter contest round 317, once again I have the opportunity to participate in this wonderful contest. As I have said before, I really enjoy this contest.That's why I always stay ready to participate in this competition.

Here , is my entry for round 317:

This is a shadow of a cow.

It looks like a cow sitting on a bike.

Here are some different types of shadows.

Thank you very much to the Shadow teams and @Melinda ma'am.


Great shadow hunting!


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Thank you ma'am

Hello dear friend @khushboo108 good morning
What a beautiful collection of images of shadows you have on this occasion, the photograph of the cow is great
Have a happy start to the week