I'm participating in the Shadow Hunter contest round 320 .

in Shadow Hunters28 days ago

Hello! How is everyone? I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weekend. I'm doing fine too, just a bit busy.

Once again, I'm going to attend a party to participate in the Shadow Hunter contest round 320, which is organized by @melinda ma'am. I really enjoy this contest. I couldn't attend the party last time because my son had a test, and I was busy helping him prepare.

So, Here is my entry for round 320.

This shadow belongs to me and my son, walking on the road in a funny manner.

This shadow represents a wall scene, appearing round and round.

This shadow is of an insect lying on the road, which I've placed aside to prevent anyone from stepping on it.

Thank you so much, @melinda ma'am, for organizing this wonderful contest, providing everyone with the opportunity to showcase their talent.

Thanks for reading my blog 🙏


Nice shadow

Thank you so much 🙏

Beautiful shadow...good luck 👍

What beautiful photographs of shadows @khushboo108 I love the one with the beetles

Thank you so much friend