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RE: Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 125 Announcement 🎺!

in Shadow Hunters10 months ago

Just came from the hivewatcher discord server and hivewatcher confirmed to me that my 30 days appeal for blacklist has been approved and hence my ban has been lifted. I am so lucky tbh and right now I am thinking about participating in this competition oboy it has really been a while.


Sad to know what happened but I'm glad that you're back... Is it alright if I may ask what caused your account to be blacklisted? Welcome back!🤗♥️👍

Is it alright if I may ask what caused your account to be blacklisted?

Yeah sure why not here is your answer and sorry for late response as I went to sleep.

You are always welcome in the contest, @liquidocelot . I am glad everything is OK with your account now.