Contest Entry SMASh (317) - Carnival in shadows [ENG-ESP] Carnaval en sombras


Good morning, friends of the Shadow Hunters community, I hope you are feeling great this Saturday. It's a bit grey and rainy here, quite autumnal. Which already makes me a little nostalgic; I've been looking at photos and videos of the carnival for days now, and found some hidden shadows in my photos. Although I don't love summer and its weather, I only love the month of February for its carnival particularity, but definitely my favorite month of the year is April and that's why I take the opportunity to share some photos of shadows and their particularities.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Buen día, amigos de la comunidad Shadow Hunters, espero que se encuentren genial este sábado. Aquí está un poco gris y lluvioso, bien otoñal. Lo cual ya me pone un poco nostálgica; hace días vengo mirando fotos y videos del carnaval, y encontré algunas sombras ocultas en mis fotos. Si bien no me encanta el verano y su clima, solamente amo el mes de febrero por su particularidad carnavalera, pero definitivamente mi mes favorito del año es abril y es por eso que aprovecho para compartir algunas fotos de sombras y sus particularidades.


The first photos are from a day that I did not dance and went to see a murga friend, I arrived super early and although they were still setting up the corso, the banners were already hung and made a beautiful shadow, which is why the first photo will be the one that participates in this week's contest. Although the night allows another facility to capture the shadows, the movement does not help much, even it is not easy with so many people parading and being a little far away, to give them space for the show. Anyway I didn't want to stop sharing the others.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Las primeras fotos son de un día que no bailé y fui a ver a una murga amiga, llegué super temprano y aunque estaban aún armando el corso, los banderines ya estaban colgados y hacían una sombra hermosa, es por ello que la primera foto será la que participe en el contest de esta semana. Si bien la noche permite otra facilidad para capturar las sombras,el movimiento no ayuda mucho, incluso tampoco es fácil con tantas personas desfilando y estando un poco lejos, para darles espacio para el espectáculo. De cualquier manera no quería dejar de compartir las demás.


The following images are a collage, a compilation of different moments. It is a challenge to photograph the shadow of a murguero in movement.It is even more challenging to catch it in the air. But all the movements are quite genuine when it comes to casting a shadow. This is because the movements are wide and with the whole body, arms, legs, head (in the case of the shadow, we see the galleys) In short, it is a whole show of colors and shapes, but on the ground, on the gray asphalt.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Las siguientes imágenes son collage, un compilado de distintos momentos. Alcanzar a fotografiar la sombra de un murguero en movimiento es todo un desafío. Más aún lo es, cazarlo en el aire. Pero todos los movimientos son bastante genuinos a la hora de proyectar una sombra. Esto se debe a que los movimientos son amplios y con todo el cuerpo, brazos, piernas, cabeza (en el caso de la sombra, vemos las galeras) En definitiva, es todo un espectáculo de colores y formas, pero en el suelo, sobre el gris asfalto.


I had another one that I didn't find but I remember having captured, with the big dolls that are part of the murguero show, and their shadow, of course.
But I think the essence is this and it is understood.Carnival is a popular festival that I am in love with, and for that reason it gives me immense pleasure to be able to bring it here too, in its shadow.The last collage presents particularly the first photo, several shadows at different levels. That corso had different types of lighting, while some are street lamps, other shadows are projections from the background with the huge lanterns that were on the stage, and that is why it was so particular for me to show it.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Tenía alguna otra que no encontré pero recuerdo haber capturado, con los muñecos grandes que forman parte del espectáculo murguero, y su sombra, claro. Pero creo que la esencia es esta y se entiende. El carnaval es una fiesta popular que me tiene enamorada, y por ese motivo es que me genera un placer inmenso poder traerlo también aquí, a su sombra. El último collage presenta particularmente la primera foto, varias sombras a distintos niveles. Ese corso tenía distintos tipos de iluminación, mientras algunos son faroles de la calle, otras sombras son proyecciones desde el fondo con los faroles inmensos que había en el escenario, y por eso me resultó tan particular mostrarla.

I send a huge greeting to all of you, if you want to participate in the initiative this is the link of the current week. Thanks for making it this far and reading my story behind the shadows. Anything else we'll read each other in the comments.

VERSION EN ESPAÑOL (click aquí!)

Les mando un saludo enorme a todos, si quieren participar de la iniciativa [este es el link]( de la actual semana. Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí y leer mi historia detrás de las sombras. Cualquier cosa nos leemos en los comentarios.

Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨

Gracias por leerme, Kiki ✨

barra little sorceress gif.gif

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post

Soy la propietaria de todas las fotos que he usado hoy

Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 & Nikon D3200📷

Traducido con DeepLearning

Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877

Imágenes editadas con Canva


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Good morning dear friend @littlesorceress
Yes, autumn is also making its presence felt here, today dawned cold and rainy. I love carnivals and corsican dance nights.
It's good that the first night you didn't participate in the dance, and you had the opportunity to take these beautiful shots of shadows
Excellent shots, I appreciate that you showed these beautiful photographs

Thank you very much friend, you are a great encouragement to me, and I appreciate it. I love striving and being able to show my progress on this shadowhunter story! I send you a big hug, enjoy the autumn Sunday with some good mates and something to go with it! Hugs!

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

Thank you friends of @hivecurators 😊

@littlesorceress, you are most welcome!

Please Support Back


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Thank you very much! it's a great .gif haha

I wish you a good weekend!

Wonderful carnival shadows!


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Thank you very much, an honor to have been able to share the carnival from its shadows! I send you a hug!

Es muy interesante la caza realizada de la sombra. Felicitaciones y mis saludos!


Muchas gracias, ha sido un buen desafío, capturar al bailarín en movimiento fue especial, aunque lo que más refleja el amor por el carnaval son los banderines! Te mando un abrazo!!

Muchas gracias!! Abrazos recíprocos


Looks like a great carnival? May I ask a ?. Why do you like taking pictures with the shadows in them? I think they are very good, does it have meaning with the past and obviously the picture being taken in the past, thus shadows behind us? Can you educate me on this or send me somewhere I could educate myself? Thank you and oh the dried cannabis we always used to say at work in the field, that's field cure ready to smoke ! Lol 😆

Thank you @dro876 ! It was a great carnival, in Argentina it is celebrated in the middle of February, month of heat and the nights are a party and very much for dancing and listening to music. The photos of the shadows are punctually for the contest of the community called Shadow Hunters. If you are interested there you have in the highlights how to participate. I send you a big greeting!

Sounds like a great time, I'm sure it's better at night if it cools off some! Well that makes sense about the pictures, also they are great shots, it's a different way to look at things. Thank you for the welcome! I have to try to remember to come on here more there's such friendly and talented people here. I'm starting up the garden again so hopefully that'll keep me posting. What other interests do you have? Have a good day!