It Is My Entry To Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest- Round 253

in Shadow Hunterslast year

Hola amigos cazadores de sombras, para este Round 253 les traigo esta sombra de un follaje recortado contra la ventana y pared de una vivienda.

Me gustó esta sombra por el contraste entre su dirección oblicua y las lineas verticales de pared y rejas de la ventana.

Una hermosa sombra que deja un espacio iluminado antes de repetirse en la esquina inferior derecha.

Espero les guste.

Hello friends shadow hunters, for this Round 253 I bring you this shadow of a foliage trimmed against the window and wall of a house.

I liked this shade for the contrast between its oblique direction and the vertical lines of the wall and window bars.

A beautiful shadow that leaves a light space before repeating itself in the lower right corner.

I hope you like it.


A lovely shadow photo! I do like this one very much. Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest again 🌞

I'm very glad you like it, @melinda010100.

Your are ever welcome, @hive-179017, it's a great contest.