
Thank you, 👏💃🥳 I wanted to answer this message from but I still don't know how to use it properly 😑😔, I'm still very grateful for those points. 💝😉

If you click on your profile picture on the top right you can chooses profile, to see your blog, or by clicking on the drop down arrow beside the word blog you can also see your posts, comments and replies.

On the top right, the bell next to your icon picture shows all your notifications. If you click on the little drop-down arrow at the top you can sort through the notifications.

The icon beside the bell is for your wallets-one is for Hive, the other for POINTS.

If you are using Ecency. Com on your phone it is slightly different, but basically the same.

Always ask if you can't find something. And remember to look behind the arrows. They are designed to help keep the site uncluttered.

Excellent tutorial, 😁👏😉 thanks I am already abicada and to check how well you taught me I sent this message by

Yay! Keep looking around and do some more exploring! And ask questions. That is the best way to learn.