Finally spring had arrived and the sky was an intense blue, such as had not been seen for many months now. Marta wanted to go to the sea, to feel the sun on her skin and to see the blue horizon instead of the rain and the usual gray buildings of the city. But that morning she was in a good mood, she put on a colored jacket instead of the usual black style and when she saw the smile of David waiting for her to accompany her to work she was sure it would be a wonderful day.
Finalmente era arrivata la primavera e il cielo quel giorno era di un blu intenso, cosi come ormai non si vedeva da molti mesi. Marta aveva voglia di andare al mare, di sentire il sole sulla pelle e di vedere l'orizzonte azzurro invece della pioggia e dei soliti edifici grigi della città. Ma quella mattina era di buonumore, si mise una giacca colorata invece del solito umore nero e quando vide il sorriso di Davide che la aspettava per accompagnarla al lavoro fu sicura che sarebbe stata una splendida giornata.
Enjoy the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 40 by @annephilbrick #hive-179017
The photo is of the author.
What a beautiful image of reflection you show us. Excellent shot. Congratulations
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonHello dear friend @occhiblu good afternoon
what a beautiful compliment, reflections are my passion !! thanks a lot dear @jlufer ;-)))
You had a beautiful capture @occhiblu! It is amazing how the trees were reflected on the building's glass walls. All the best on the contest!