My Entry - Shadow Hunters #201

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago


Returning to his hometown had moved him. Giulio had not returned there for almost 60 years and was suddenly catapulted back in time, when he played with his friends along the corridors of that ancient palace. At the time there was no door but an old gate that didn't close properly and they had found a way to open it and make their exploratory escapes in the neighborhood. Nobody ever noticed and all the pranks they combined out there were always attributed to other children!!

Tornare al suo paese natale lo aveva commosso. Giulio non tornava li da quasi 60 anni e improvvisamente fu catapultato indietro nel tempo, quando giocava con i suoi amici lungo i corridoi di quell'antico palazzo. All'epoca non c'era la porta ma un vecchio cancello che non si chiudeva bene e loro avevano trovato il modo per aprirlo e fare le loro fughe esplorative nel quartiere. Nessuno mai se ne accorse e tutte le marachelle che combinavano li fuori venivano imputate sempre ad altri bambini!!

Enjoy the competition here:

The photo is of the author.


A delightful story to go along with your wonderful Shadow photo! It stirs my imagination. Thanks for entering the shadow contest!

Very nice shadow on the wall. Thank you for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest! 👏 😎