¡ Saludos bella comunidad !
¡Greetings beautiful community !
Here I bring you some shadows that I found very funny, the day of my daughter's birthday, happy to participate in this new contestof Shadow Hunters, published by @melinda010100, Every day the platform comes to life because we see the shadows in a more creative and imaginative way.

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Una foto de mi princesa en su cumpleaños, con su nuevo vestido amarillo, capture esta hermosa sombra que parecen los pétalos de una rosa, ella es mi jardín de flores, estaba tan feliz disfrutando de ese día tan especial con todos sus seres queridos .
A picture of my princess on her birthday, with her new yellow dress, capture this beautiful shadow that look like the petals of a rose, she is my flower garden, she was so happy enjoying that special day with all her loved ones .

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Esta es mi ultima hija Patricia, ella es un amor de intranquilidad, le gusta hacer muchas poses para la cámara, pero es un reto decirle que no se mueva, ella me decía mama mira la sombra que hacen los globos y de verdad que salio muy bonita, pero si miras muy atentamente parece una hoja de trébol de tres pétalos.
This is my last daughter, she is a love of restlessness, she likes to do many poses for the camera, but it is a challenge to tell her not to move, she told me mom look at the shadow that the balloons make and she really came out very pretty,but if you look very closely it looks like a three-petaled cloverleaf.

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Estos globos parecieran que le estaban dando cuerda a esta muñeca, ella no le agrada mucho el sol, pero si los globos de muchos colores, cuando se acaba la fiesta sale corriendo agarrar sus globos, cada sombra agarra su propia forma.
These balloons look like they were winding this doll up, she doesn't like the sun, but she does like colorful balloons, when the party is over she runs out to grab her balloons, each shadow takes on its own form.
¡ Nos vemos en la próxima cazadores !

Fuente cazadora. Editado desde canva
¡ See you next time hunters !
What beautiful dresses! It looks like a very happy birthday! Love the balloon shadows, too. Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest!