Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest -Round 275

in Shadow Hunters11 months ago

I found this shadow in the doctor's waiting room. I was waiting to be seen for the annual medical check-up, when I noticed this suggestive shadow. I really liked the abstract painting hanging on the back wall. It seemed to me that everything formed a nice set. This is my entry for this week's contest.

Esta sombra la encontré en la sala de espera del médico. Estaba esperando ser atendida para el control médico anual, cuando observo esta sombra sugestiva. Me gustó mucho la pintura abstracta colgada en la pared trasera. Me pareció que todo formaba un lindo conjunto. Esta es mi entrada para el concurso de esta semana.


firma 2.jpg

separador -2.png


That is a beautiful shadow photo! I like it a lot!