My Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round #63: Some Reflection Photos I Get In Our Office

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

Hello hivers friends, Shadow Hunters community, how are you all? I hope all of you are always in good condition, healthy, abundant, and full of love. Amen.

Reflection contest round #63 has started. For friends who want to take part in this reflection contest, you can read the rules on @olgavita's blog:

Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 63 ❤️ Announcement! 🌞

This is my entry for the reflection contest round #63:




Today I am still working the morning shift. I got these reflection photos on the 1st floor of our office. You can see the reflection of paper flowers from the table tops and photo frames of our company's CEOs.





Still on the 1st floor of our office building, I walked to the outside of the side of the building. I saw the reflection of the coffee warehouse through the glass window on the outside of the 1st floor building.

That's all the reflection photos I can find for now. Hope it can be made an entry for the Reflection Round #63 contest which is starting from yesterday, in this Shadow Hunters community. Thank you for the support, to my friends in the Shadow Hunters community, especially Thank to @olgavita, @melinda010100, @seckorama, @annephilbrick, @hive-179017, @eolianpariah.

ModelInfinix S3
Original Picture@parung76
ThemeEntry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round #63

Thank You

Best Regard,



The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Glad to see you @parung76 in the contest again 💞!

Thank you for the support 😁