in Shadow Hunters • 2 months ago

REFLECTION HUNTER contest by @olgavita ROUND 161.


Hello dear community, I hope everyone is well, enjoying good health and producing a lot of content for hive, days ago I was walking with a group of friends through the city park while I was walking I was taking pictures with my cell phone, just notice this reflection of these leaves on the water I already knew what community this image was for, my wishes is that you like it, I end up sending you a greeting, many kisses and blessings.

Hola estimada comunidad, espero que todos estén bien, gozando de buena salud y produciendo mucho contenido para hive, hace días caminaba con un grupo de amigos por el parque de la ciudad mientras caminaba iba haciendo fotografías con mi celular, a penas observe este reflejo de estas hojas sobre el agua ya sabía para que comunidad iba esta imagen, mis deseos es que les guste, termino mandándoles un saludo, muchos besos y bendiciones.

Cell phoneXiaomi
EditionAdobe Photoshop

 2 months ago  

I don't think there is a more beautiful situation than walking with friends in the park, much better if you find natural reflections like these
Beautiful photographs dear friend @patricma, enjoy a wonderful day

Thank you so much 💋💋

Thank you so much 💋💋