september shadow riddle

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

I am sharing today a nice city shadow I captured a month ago at St.Petersburg streets. Now we have grey skies and rainy weather and nothing to hunt for, except of wet fallen yellow leaves, haha!


Guess, what it is?
Well, the foto below surely will give you a hint.


Yes, thats just a simple lamp-post!

This is my entry to the round 139 of #shadowhunters contest hold by @melinda010100.

location: St.petersburg, Russia September 2020 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv
f 9 t 1/1000 ISO 1250 --

Thanks for stopping by!


A Shadow that turns the corner! Great shadow shot! Thanks for entering the Shadow Contest

glad you like it, Mel. I've made a comment below, for annephilbrick, you may want to check it as well.

I love those beautiful St Petersburg lamp posts and I knew right away where the Shadow was coming from. I don't know about
derzhava, though and must go look that up!

well, ofc you are an expert when it comes to shadow, I have no doubts about that. not every shadow has a unique shape, right? some are quite shapeless.. but this reminded me of this thing, 'derzhava'. if you' d like to google it up, in Russian it is written as 'держава'

Ahhh! Yes! The Shadow does look like it could be that! 😊

Both Great Shadows photos..!!
I think it's a lamppost/ streetlight..💡.
Thank you for participating in the Shadow Photo Contest ~ Round 139.

@annephilbrick, BINGO! yes, it is. St.Petersburg has a stylish old-fashioned lampposts (well, on the parade streets). and this one turned out really well.

its shadow reminds of a 'derzhava', aka 'emperor's apple' - a regalia of Russian emperors, their sign of power ... but ofc it is clear that this is not a shadow of such a sign (where would it come from, on the street ?!) but a shadow from the lamppost :))

I am not convinced it is great shadowphoto, my eye is not 'fresh' enough, but maybe its more or less nice... glad you enjoyed it!

Good photos !BEER

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