Entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest round 39

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago (edited)


ENG - The curtain of that small office was always down. Those who passed in front of it were convinced that by now there was no one inside, that it was just an empty room, perhaps a closet. Instead they were wrong, that was Claudio's office who arrived very early in the morning and nobody noticed. Claudio was photosensitive, that is, he couldn't stand the light that attacked his eyes. He was happy at night, with the owls and the stars.

IT - La tenda di quel piccolo ufficio era sempre giù. Chi ci passava davanti era convinto che ormai non ci fosse piu nessuno dentro, che fosse solo una stanza vuota, forse uno sgabuzzino. Invece sbagliavano, quello era l'ufficio di Claudio che arrivava molto presto al mattino e nessuno se ne accorgeva. Claudio era fotosensibile, ovvero non sopportava la luce che aggrediva i suoi occhi. Lui era felice di notte, con i gufi e le stelle.

Enjoy the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 39 by @annephilbrick #hive-179017

The photo is of the author.