My entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round #47


Carla hated mirrors, hated seeing her reflection, looking into the eyes and recognizing herself every morning. She had removed all the mirrors in the house, also avoided the reflection on the window panes; sometimes she wished she had lost her memory in that damn accident, not remembered anything about her wonderful past life, now that she had lost everything and was left alone. And seeing that single reflected image killed her inside.

Carla odiava gli specchi, odiava vedere il suo riflesso, guardarsi negli occhi e riconoscersi ogni mattina. Aveva tolto tutti gli specchi della casa, evitava anche il riflesso sui vetri delle finestre; a volte desiderava aver perso la memoria in quel maledetto incidente, non ricordare nulla della sua meravigliosa vita passata, ora che aveva perso tutto ed era rimasta sola. E vedere quell'immagine sola riflessa la uccideva dentro.

Enjoy with us the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 47 by @olgavita here:

The photo is of the author.


Ha-ha 😁! Thank you for the funny story with this stunning photo @road2horizon ! I am glad to see you in the contest again 💞

Awesome reflections in the mirrors! Thank you for your participation in the Reflection hunters contest! 😎 👏