It's my Entry To Shadow Hunters Contest/SMASh - Round 202

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

"Los cazadores de sombras miramos con otros ojos", no encuentro mejores palabras para definir esta afición que ha despertado en mí este concurso. Resulta que al pasar por un lugar cualquiera, con esa inquietud por atrapar las imágenes en fotografías antes me concentraba en los objetos, ahora es la sombra del objeto lo que acapara mi atención. Sin embargo, la fotografía tiene su magia. A mi modo de ver, el contexto de la sombra también la realza. Acá va desde el montoncito de basura arriba un poco a la izquierda, la rodilla doblada dentro del pantalón gris a la derecha, el cigarrillo entre los dedos...
Elementos que no sobran sino que complementan. Me gusta esta foto. Es mi participación en esta ronda 202 del concurso convocado por @melinda010100.

Si deseas participar en este concurso, lee sus bases, se encuentran acá

"We, Shadowhunters, look with different eyes", I can't find better words to define this hobby that this contest has awakened in me. It turns out that when passing through any place, with that concern to capture images in photographs, before I concentrated on objects, now it is the shadow of the object that captures my attention. However, photography has its magic. The way I see it, the context of the shadow also enhances it. Here it goes from the little pile of rubbish up a little to the left, the bent knee inside the gray pants to the right, the cigarette between the fingers...
Elements that are not left over but complement. I like this picture. It is my participation in this round 202 of the contest organized by @melinda010100

If you want to participate in this contest, read its rules, they are here


A street scene full of Shadows! Thanks for entering the shadow contest

Oh, yes, @melinda010100, sometimes street is full of shadows, then is the shadow hunters paradise, Thanks for your support.

Nice person shadow or selfie shadow? Thank you for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest. 😎 👏

Hi, @hive-179017, well I think a selfie shadow...he, he, he, thanks for your support.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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