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RE: Shadows And Reflections Are Everywhere

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

Well, if you want the answer 😎: if that partition or wall behind the guy on the left is glass, it's a reflection in it. If that wall is made of some kind of canvas so that light can get through, then we have a shadow of a person, and the rest of the pub can be seen through.


A pretty cool explanation.🙏🏼👍🏻 Well, that's a wall covered with ceramics. Can we call it a shadow and reflection photo for my photo?😊

Of course, you can. But there's no need to go into so much detail for posting this. You can post it in one contest /Shadows/Reflections and ask people what they think it is. And that they need to explain what they think that in comments. And after a week, choose winner and give him a reward. 😎 😁 sound great