Reflections Hunting #168

in Shadow Hunters β€’ 28 days ago

Hello, everyone! 😎

The 168th Reflection Hunting contest is currently part of the second consecutive weekly event in the Shadow Hunters community. Participants can expect great rewards with minimal effort.

If you own a cell phone (which you probably do), you can easily find and photograph reflections in various materials such as glass, water, and mirrors. Keep your eyes open, and you will discover them.
This is not a highly technical and artistic photography contest where judges scrutinize all aspects of the photograph, including color, framing, lighting, contrast, etc. Just concentrate on the details of the reflection. You're going to love this!

If you follow the contest rules, our community will reward every entry with at least a tip or a reward. And the best part of all? It doesn't cost you anything.

If you don't know: the Shadow Hunters community paid out $8801 in rewards last year! $3954 author rewards and $4845 curator rewards! Source.

It's time to share something. Check out these recent reflections I've collected this week. Enjoy them!

Walking at home
I catch most of my reflections on walks when looking around to see something worth recording. And there's always something. What the hell is that supposed to be?

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This is, as I later read from the label, a weather station set up in cities by the National Environment Agency, which measures the levels of various particles in the air, probably also pressure, temperature, humidity and more, and transmits the data in real time to a common server for the whole of Slovenia.

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As I walked along the building, I noticed the reflection of the fence in the windows.

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Reflection in the car mirror
I took this reflection in the mirror of my car when I parked it next to my field because I had some work to do. It was very dusty that day and you can see that in the details.

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Reflections in window displays
This is in Novalja, on the island of Pag, on a walk around the town. It was a sunny day, and everything was glittering. I caught two reflections in the shop windows. As it was not the tourist season yet, most everything was closed.

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That's all for today. Overall, there's nothing particularly dramatic, but I hope you've got some ideas for reflections you can present in our community.

Thanks for your attention.

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50% of the earnings of this post will go to the beneficiaries of the community (@hive-179017).

I would also like to thank @olgavita for hosting the Reflection Hunters contest, @melinda010100 for being the main admin of the Shadow Hunters community, @annephilbrick for all background work, and all other sponsors who allowed this contest to go ahead.
You can read more about the prizes and conditions of participation in this contest here.

You can also enter Shadow Hunters (SMaSH - Show Me a Shadow) Round 322 contest which is already running.

I wish you successful Reflection Hunting!

If you are interested in more contests that are currently running, I suggest you check out the latest ArchonTribe News or take a look to the Ecency Discord Channel - Contests-Awarding-Points.

And here's something else:
I post everything in the @ecency front-end. So I invite you to support Ecency Development And Maintenance #4 Proposal because I would like to keep using it.

Support and vote for those exceptional witnesses:
@good-karma, @liotes, @fbslo and @detlev.witness.

🎡 🎧 🎀

Stay Healthy!

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Β 28 days agoΒ Β 

Good morning dear friend @seckorama
How great that you visited your field and took shots of the reflections in the car mirror. Beautiful shots
have a wonderful day

Hi, that's from a few days ago, the last day when the sun was shining. It's been raining for three days now... now it's swamp...

hello @seckorama
It is impressive to see the numbers of the community, and how much support it has given to people
I have never seen a weather station, much less a reflection of it. Your reflection photos are beautiful

Thank you. Yes, it is a kind of weather station for measuring dust in the air.

Visiting your field and taking that moment to take reflection photos is nice
The pictures are nice

As I mentioned, reflections are everywhere. I'm waiting for yours. 😎

Your visit to the field in search of reflections is so interesting. I loved the first reflection, at first I thought it was a view outside the window. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you for your support, @untilwelearn and @ecency.