Shadow Hunting (SMASh) Round 298

in Shadow Hunters β€’ 8 months ago

Hello everyone! 😎 πŸ“·

It's the 298th Shadow Hunting (SMaSh or Show Me a Shadow) contest in a row. One of the oldest contests on the Hive blockchain, it has been running continuously for more than five and a half years and regularly pays out rewards for interesting shadows.

Do you have some nice shadows to show us? Don't be shy. This isn't a rigorous photography competition where strict juries judge framing, lighting, contrast, colors, resolution, and so on.
Just a cool shadow, a moment in time captured on your camera or phone, and that's all you need.
Shadows are everywhere, especially on a sunny day outside.

So, are you ready for Shadow Hunting?
Trust me, you won't find this opportunity anywhere else. You go for a walk, take photos of shadows, post them, and get rewarded. Where else have you seen this? It's awesome!

Did you know that the community paid out $16,196.10 in rewards last year? $7,485.42 author rewards and $8,710.68 curator rewards? Source.
What you're waiting for?

I only use my phone to catch shadows, and I don't consider myself a good photographer. But shadows are everywhere, and if you're up to the challenge, you're sure to catch a great one.
Here are some of my photos, some from the house and some from the street, as an example for shadow hunting, just to give you a feeling.

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Window roller shade
This is the shade of a window blind on a wall. The window is in the kitchen, in front of the lens are the leaves of a flower in a pot on the windowsill.

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Bicycle pedals
Shadow of bicycle pedals on the corridor floor.

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Shadow of the rear wheel of a bicycle
We are still on the bicycle, but on the other side, now. The shadow of the rear wheel with chain, seat, and structure, on the corridor wall.

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Shadows on the houses
I went for an afternoon walk. It's a sunny day, it's winter and the sun is low on the horizon, the shadows of the neighboring buildings appear on the facades of the houses. In both photos, the shadows of the trees are presented on the walls.

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That's all for now, thanks for your attention and I hope you'll publish some of your shadow photos :)

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

50% of the earnings of this post will go to the beneficiaries of the community (@hive-179017).

I would also like to thank @melinda010100 as the main admin of the community, @annephilbrick for all background work, and all other sponsors that allow this contest to go ahead.

You can read more (and read carefully) about the rewards and conditions of participation in this contest here.

Good to know:
All comments here and on all Shadow Hunters community posts get staked ARCHON tokens!

I wish you successful shadow hunting!

If you are interested in more awards and contests that are currently running, I suggest you check out the latest ArchonTribe News or take a look to the Ecency Discord Channel - Contests-Awarding-Points.

And here's something else:
I post everything in the @ecency front-end. And first time in WebP graphic format which is better optimized for web and Ecency use it.
So I invite you to support Ecency Development And Maintenance #4 Proposal because I would like to keep using it (and many others, too).
Thank you in advance.

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

Stay Healthy!

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Fantastic Shadow photos, as always!

I did a little nervous promoting of the SH Community during the HHH Live show today. If you listen to the recording feel free to add anything that I forgot to say in comments on Ph1102's recap post when he publishes it. I was wishing you were there to help me out!


I'm glad you did that, but, unfortunately, this hour is too early for me because I have a lot of other commitments, I log in late, I talked about that with Phill, and he knows that.
I'll check the recap post and see if I can add something.

I forgot to say that LEN tokens are one of our prizes! Of all the ones to forget! Embarrassing!

πŸ‘ ❀️ Upvoted ❀️ πŸ‘
Upvoted based on suggestion from @mysteriousroad. Please support mysteriousroad by upvoting this comment

Thank you very much, @hive-185924 and @mysteriousroad.

@seckorama you're most welcome

It seem like you have got the best shadow hunting pictures
They are really looking nice
That’s a great job

As I mentioned, I don't consider myself a good photographer, I only use my phone, but sometimes I get a shot.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

What a beautiful collection of shadows, dear friend @seckorama, you always surprise us with really very beautiful photographs.
I appreciate you letting us know about this shadow hunt.
enjoy the weekend