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RE: Charm ☀ Entry For The Reflection Hunters Contest

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

I had a hunch you would be down this way around that
time, The 11th is when I had day surgery to get my eyes fixed!
That's one thing that always amazes me most is the
huge sky here! The Homer Spit is awesome to visit, lots of
eagles and sometimes whales spouting and the mountains
are so pointy across the bay. There use to be a lady there
called The Eagle Lady, she was the only one allowed back
then to feed them.

Enjoy the outdoors while ya can! :-)


I saw that there was a book about her! Now I kinda wish I had bought it. I know I can online, but it's not the same as actually getting it in her stomping grounds.

Eagles are sharp, and I don't just mean smart. She was brave to develop trust like that.

She looks like an eagle in that picture on the wikipedia link. I wonder if I will look like a crow when I get older..?

Congrats on your new eyes!