Reflection Hunters Contest Round 108 - by Sunscape

in Shadow Hunterslast year


We have a large flock of white swans that live on the bay near my home. Every spring I love to go down to the water's edge to enjoy watching the parents caring for the cygnets.


The little ones are so darn cute and they never get too far from the mother. I hope you have enjoyed seeing the swans and the reflections in the water. Have a wonderful week everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


how are you dear friend @sunscape good morning
What a beautiful family, it looks like they enjoy the walk
Beautiful shots, thank you very much for showing us these beautiful images

Thank you so much @jlufer I will have to capture some new images of the swans this spring.

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