Reflections Contest Round 156 - Window Washing - by Sunscape

in Shadow Hunters5 months ago

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I have to say that that man has a huge job to accomplish. Can you even imagine hanging from a rope to clean all those windows? I took this photo many years ago when I was traveling in Panama. I had never seen a person doing this in real life and could not help watching him for a while.


Later on in the evening I had dinner on a rooftop with my son and his wife. This is a skyline view of Panama City, Panama from my dinner table. It was quite the experience on a beautiful tropical night.


Here is a view in the opposite direction which I believe is part of the old city, but don't take my word for it as it was many years ago.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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What a beautiful collection of reflection images, dear friend @sunscape, I love the night shots, but the one of the worker cleaning the windows is really admirable
Have a wonderful day

You are so kind, @jlufer thank you very much.

Yay! 🤗
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Good shots and reflections, I didn't know which panama looked so good. I think that now with drones that work could be done, although it could reduce employment I suppose. greetings

You are probably right, the Panamanians are great at working service jobs and drones would hurt their economy.

Excellent reflections, @sunscape ❤️! Welcome to the contest 🤗.

Thank you, I am happy to participate. ♥