Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest - Round 315

in Shadow Hunters2 months ago

My focus is on the shape of the tote bag and the shadows it has created, bold and defined shadows against the wall as light is cast on it. It makes for a great shadow. The tote bag meant for the trash can has found a use in my shadow hunt.

Thank you for the contest @melinda010100 and @ecency.


beautiful and creative shadow shots dear friend @tranquil3
great shots, appreciate you sharing with us
have a wonderful day

Thank you very much.

Lovely simple and dark shadow photos.


tranquil3, melinda010100 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Thank you very much.

Valid entries must have at least 50 words. Please put more effort into your shadow posts.

I will 😊

Thank you very much.