Reflection Hunters Contest – Dirty Rain

in Shadow Hunterslast year

Reflection Hunters Contest – Round 115


Prljava kiša

Šta nam sve može doneti kiša?
Poslednjih dana padala je takozvana "žuta" ili "prljava" kiša.
Stakla vozila ostala su prljava i zamazana nakon kiše koja je u sebi donela čestice peska iz Sahare. Tako kažu meteorolozi.

Iako pčele najradije lete po tihom, toplom, sunčanom i vedrom vremenu, one lete i kada nema mnogo sunca. Tada, na kraćim relacijama.

Pčela koja je na trenutak zastala na vetrobranskom staklu 8. maja 2023.

May 8, 2023.

Dirty Rain

What can rain bring us?
In recent days, there has been a phenomenon known as "yellow" or "dirty" rain.
The windows of vehicles have remained dirty and smudged after the rain, which brought particles of sand from the Sahara, according to meteorologists.

Although bees prefer to fly in quiet, warm, sunny, and clear weather, they also fly when there isn't much sun. In those cases, they fly shorter distances.
Bee that momentarily paused on the windshield.

Tekst napisan uz pomoć Prevodioca.

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