Shadow Hunters Contest Entry – It must breathe and smell

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago (edited)

Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 313

Show Me A Shadow
Round 313 - Interesting number


Mart 2024.

Život nije bajka. U nekom trenutku života, može se desiti, da nećete moći čak ni obuću da birate. Ne zato što niste u mogućnosti da je kupite, već iz zdravstvenih razloga.

Moj izbor za ovu nedelju su anatomske medicinske klompe za svaki dan koje mogu poslužiti kao odlična, udobna sobna obuća.

Idemo dalje.

Shadow Hunters Contest Entry, #shadowhunters community


Thank you @melinda010100 for creating and hosting the contest!
Have a wonderful day!

Be happy, stay healthy!


Thanks for supporting my content, @hive-179017. I very much appreciate it!

Hello dear friend @zoricatech good morning
What a peculiar shadow projection, I love the pattern it has created.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day.

You are kind, as always, @jlufer. Thank you for your positive comments. All the best!


zoricatech, melinda010100 sent you LUV. 🙂 (9/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Thank you so much, @melinda010100 and @luvshares!