Shadow Hunters Contest Entry – Moments

in Shadow Hunters4 months ago

Shadow Hunters Contest- Round 315
Show Me A Shadow

Round 315 - Good Memories



Tu i tamo - Lepa sećanja

Pečat nekim starim vremenima davale su tv antene. Sobne ili spoljne, predstavljale su neizostavni detalj našeg okruženja.

Kako vreme prolazi, tako se menja i dizajn elemenata rasvete i svetiljki.

Hoće li vam pogled odlutati sa senke i pasti na grozdove čija su zrna jedinstvenog oblika?


I tako… Vreme teče, idu godine.


Shadow Hunters Contest Entry, #shadowhunters community


Thank you @melinda010100 for creating and hosting the contest!
Have a great weekend!

Be happy, stay healthy!


Beautiful shadows hunted! I love the contrast on the first and the atmosphere created from the second.

Thank you, @janwrites, for stopping by and for your kind words!

Good morning dear friend @zoricatech, how are you?
What a beautiful collection of images of shadows that you give us to know on this occasion, dear friend.
I love these vintage artifacts.
Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful shots.
have a happy easter

Thank you very much, @jlufer! I'm glad you liked my photos. Have a great day!

A wonderful shadow hunt!


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@melinda010100, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @zoricatech and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/12 calls)

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Thank you, @melinda010100! 🌞